Architecture for an Evolving Planet

Architectural Imagineering can play a key role in refining our
experience of living.  It’s destiny should be to inspire and further energize the awakening spirit of today’s Humanity”

Brilliant Design…

can inspire the masses to live a better existence. Marvelously conceived architecture, that is stirring and innovative, can move the soul and spark the heart’s desire to live an enriched life.

A significant role of architectonics is to encourage a deeper sense of happiness and fulfillment in the population.

Today’s Visionary Architects…

are no longer blocked by technological limitations. My prediction for the future is that the financial restrictions for next generation architecture will be greatly reduced, as the planet evolves and no longer supports war and greed.

Trillions of dollars will be freed up to enrich the well being of both the planet and Human kind. And that will translate into the arena of how living communities will manifest. Even now, a re-imagining of possibilities is underway all across the planet that will elevate Human nature.

"The hope of many Humans today is to fulfill
the dream of living in extraordinary surroundings"

A Futuristic Renaissance…

is also taking place among the visionary engineers of the world. There is a global proliferation of advanced construction technology being fused with world competition to bring these progressive construction materials to market.

This expanding momentum almost demands a new spirit of expression, which will augment the art of innovation in designed communities.

Even now, extraordinary creations are currently emerging world wide, that are inspiring the architectural community and directly supporting a higher vision for a new era in planetary habitation.

Advanced Systems

For “next generation” energy and food production

will be combined with structural systems built with carbon nanotechnology. This will directly influence how new communities are conceived and built. Add into the mix the emerging Zero Point Energy capability, which is due to enter the marketplace within a decade, and you have a set of tools for today’s architect that is unprecedented. 

Discernment and a deeper appreciation for the real values of life are waking up and expanding from within the consciousness of the general population. Acceleration of a higher ethic for social behavior is gaining momentum as our current events demonstrate the non-sustainability of today’s functioning world.  There is essentially no choice left but to support and embrace the gifts that life offers. 

These Scenarios

are approaching feasibility and achievability far more rapidly than one may venture.  The projects that will soon proliferate on planet Earth will embrace the highest quality of living and inspire a richer sense of a refined life .  As these dwellings emanate a combination of beauty and excitement for an elevated existence, they upgrade the collective Human imagination and add to a very bright future for us all.

I began my fascination with the art of habitation several decades ago, in 1984, when I researched the entire United States housing market for Home Marketing Corporation.

I was tasked with writing an extensive business plan outlining the possibilities for a nationwide new home program in partnership with a national Real Estate company.  We created numerous home designs that reflected regional architectural trends for the United States and also generated marketing insights for Viceroy Homes in Canada.
The team and I lined up the number one Real Estate Trainer in the nation for our sales training and the President of the National Home Manufacturing association. We also arranged for approximately eighty large Home Manufacturing Plants across the country to build out the pre-sales in addition to developing all the Marketing Strategies and creating numerous “regionally sensitive” home designs.

I have a passion for tracking future trends and
creating an uplifting vision of design aesthetic that speaks
to the heart and elevates the satisfaction for prospective clients. 

My expertise also includes the creation of: Master Vision Business Plans, conceiving
Future Strategies and Planning, managing Construction Operations
and  supervising Personnel Training Programs.

Thanks to Vincent Callebaut for the exceptional design work above